Friday, December 10, 2010

Love, Care, Food, and THE EMPIRE!

In conjunction with the Ipoh Love & Care Society Charity Fair 2010, the troopers from the 501st Legion: Malaysia-Brunei Outpost will suit up and the capital Perak will once again bear witness to the awesomeness that is the Empire!

The main event, organised by the Ipoh Love & Care Society Charity and Pacific Blue, will be held on the 12th of December at SJK Yuk Choy from 10am to 3pm. The event will feature an amazing food fair with an array of stalls serving incredible selection of dishes. Best of all, there will be a Fund Raising Photo Session with the 501st Legion: Malaysia-Brunei Outpost troopers.

The fair will be officiated by Datuk Dr Mah Hang Soon, Datuk Tan Chin Meng and the Pengarah of Kebajikan Negeri Perak.

However, if you think that you are one with The Force and you would like to have a preview of what the Empire has to offer, then try your skills and look out for 501st Legion: Malaysia-Brunei Outpost members at your favourite shopping malls all over Ipoh on the 11th of December. Good Luck!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dave "Artwork" Liew - Master Propaganda Art Designer.

Apart from Malaysia’s first Jawa and Boba Fetts, the Malaysia International Toys Fair 2010 also saw the Star Wars artwork debut of Dave “Artwork” Liew; a happy, mild-mannered artist by weekdays, and the 501st Legion: Malaysia-Brunei Outpost’s internationally acclaimed and Lucasfilm approved master propaganda art designer by weekends.

With subjects ranging from the Original Trilogy, to Clone Wars, to parody, his one-of-a-kind masterpieces decorated the walls of the 501st Legion’s field headquarters at the MITF 2010. They were highly sought-after by both the visitors and the members of the 501st alike. Dave was even kind enough to autograph some of his artwork at the event.

To commemorate his achievements and to show appreciation for all his hard work, I interviewed Dave:

When did you get into arts?
Hmm... I started quite young actually; my first drawing was a clock. I got my creative genes from my mum's side: My granduncle is good at making life-size characters for decorations in his restaurant, and my two cousins - one is a designer and the other is a video editor/illustrator. My mum, she loves to draw.

She always helps me with my school artwork. From then one I kept drawing and drawing. When I was 7 years old, I used to draw combat scenes complete with sound effects and dialogue. My uncle once told me I'm a “walking sound effects” person.

My interest grew when I got consolation prize for my local art competition titled: "Malaysia: Wawasan 2020". With sci-fi as my forte, I drew Coruscant, but what kept me going, though I just won the consolation prize, was the good and supportive comments of the public and judges. From that time onwards, I just drew all the way till now. Graduating from a pencil to a mouse.

How and when did you get involved with the 501st?
Well, actually I have always wanted to join the 501st ever since I've started my job, but financially I was not capable. I started with RM900 per month in a post-production house during the economic crisis. RM900 doesn't go well with my plans to get a trooper suit.

In 2010, I revived my plan to join the 501st, this time after watching The Clone Wars (3D). I was very, very determined to get a suit - It’s one of those “100 Things To Do Before You Die” kind of thing for me. After much debate between me and myself, I went for the ARF (Advance Recon Force Troopers).

So, I got hold of Peter Lai (Sith OverLord) and he advised me on the rules of the 501st, the forum, and how to do my ARF Trooper suit.

How did you end up doing art for the 501st?
Art is an extension of me reaching out to people and the feeling is good when you inspire fans and in return they inspire you with their passion and dedication to Star Wars. I've started a thread called "The Republic Propaganda" under to give support to Clone members to keep up their good work in the detachment. In another word I'm giving back to the community.

What inspired the art you did for the 501st MITF trooping event?
The MITF was the first time I'm doing The Trilogy. All this while, I have been doing Clone Wars characters (I'm a Clone Unit). This posed a challenge to me.

The MITF artworks, especially the Trilogy, are based on the Malaysia-Brunei Outpost's characters which participated in the MITF. I did every character, but I accidentally missed out the red Royal Guard and Boba Fett - sorry. With Peter's input and 1:1 reference, from frame to frame from film to fan photograph, the characters are drawn to specifications.

The best artwork I did was the Droid Hunt (DH) Badges which was approved by Steve Sansweet from Lucasfilm. My proudest achievement from THE Establishment (all this while I always dreamt of working in Lucasfilm, this comes close to it.). One week - 4 detailed illustrations.

Were you nervous sending in your art to Lucasfilms for approval?
Nerve-wracking... It was a rush work. Another worry we have to think is handing the DH badges in time for the printing schedule from the MITF. Once we got the confirmation from Steve, I was so relieved; it didn't hit me till the next day that it was approved by Lucasfilm. WOOHHOOO!

Do you have a favourite 501st character?
My favourite... tough choice... The Parjai Trooper!

Any regrets?
Regrets... I could have done more for the 501st in MITF. I should have printed more KISS Troopers... LOLz. There is no regret knowing the 501st! Great humble people with great costumes and great activities!

Thanks “Artwork”! Best of luck to you in your future endeavors. Who am I kidding? You don't need luck, you've got skills!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Trooping At The Malaysia International Toys Fair 2010

The Malaysia International Toys Fair 2010 (MITF2010) was a historic event for the 501st Legion: Malaysia-Brunei Outpost. Held at the Mid Valley Convention Centre, the 2 day fair which started on the 24th of July 2010 saw the largest gathering of suited members from the Outpost.

On day one of the event, the 501st Legion were given the honour to escort Datuk Danny Ooi (founder of The Malaysia Book Of Records) in officiating the event and during his tour of the exhibition hall.

Through the day, a constant flow of attendees flocked to our Field Headquarters to meet and have their photograph taken with the 12 suited–up members of the 501st Legion. The line-up of Star Wars characters present that day consists of Darth Vader, a Snowtrooper Commander, an AT-ST Pilot, one Biker Scout, a Royal Guard, an Imperial Officer, an Imperial Crewman, three Stormtroopers, and two of Malaysia’s first screen-accurate Boba Fetts – one from The Empire Strikes Back and the other from Return Of The Jedi.

The second ever 501st Legion Droid Hunt in Malaysia was held on Day Two. More than 30 participants joined the Droid Hunt – a number far larger than we ever expected. It was a huge hit!

Day Two also saw the largest turnout of fully-suited 501st Legion members – 15! The impressive line-up consisted of Darth Vader, Boba Fett (Empire Strikes Back), a Sandtrooper, an Imperial Officer, an Imperial Crewman, a TIE Fighter Pilot, two Biker Scouts, two Royal Guards, four Stormtroopers, and Malaysia’s first ever Jawa!

All things considered, the Malaysia International Toys Fair 2010 was a huge success for the 501st Legion: Malaysia-Brunei Outpost.

Friday, July 23, 2010

MITF 2010 Droid Hunt - Are these the Droids we are looking for?

We have received reports that the Rebels are using Droids to carry valuable information during the upcoming Malaysia International Toys Fair. The information these droids carry may be vital in the efforts to stop the Rebel Alliance and maintain order in the Empire.

According to our infiltrators, the Rebels have employed seemingly ordinary Malaysia International Toy Fair attendees to guard and transport these Droids. In the light of this new revelation, the 501st Legion: Malaysia-Brunei Outpost will be conducting a Droid Hunt on the Sunday 25th of July 2010 – the second day of the Malaysia International Toys Fair. It will be the second Droid Hunt ever conducted by the 501st in Malaysia.

To join the Droid Hunt, you must simply register your participation at the 501st Legion Field Headquarters (booth C16 and C18) on day 2, Sunday 25th of July 2010. Registration is open from 12:00pm to 1:00pm and is limited to 30 participants. Upon registration, you will be given a droid badge. You must then wear the Droid badge casually and proceed with your day as usual.

The Droid Hunt will be conducted from 4:00pm to 5:00pm. Fully suited members of the 501st Legion: Malaysia-Brunei Outpost will begin trooping the Malaysia International Toys Fair looking for attendees who are wearing droid badges. If you are caught, you must give up your Droid badge and receive a raffle ticket in return.

Some participants may receive a Jedi Mind Trick card in addition to their Droid badge during the registration. If you are caught with a Droid badge and you have a Jedi Mind Trick Card, you may use the card to play a mind trick on a fully suited 501st member and send them off their merry way without giving up your Droid badge. The Jedi Mind Trick can only be used once. Once used, the card must be handed over to a fully suited 501st member.

Please note that participants are encouraged to act casual and role-play. However, participants are discouraged from approaching a fully suited 501st member in hopes of being caught.

The lucky draw and prize giving ceremony for the Droid Hunt will be conducted on stage at 5:15pm.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Listen Up, Cadets, And Listen Good.

Listen up cadets and listen good. We at the 501st take Imperial cadet training very seriously. There is no room for slouches in the Vader’s Fist!

First of all, please note that the upcoming Imperial Cadet Training activity is going to be held by the 501st Legion: Malaysia-Brunei Outpost on Saturday, 24th of July 2010 at the Malaysia International Toys Fair (Hall 2, Level 3, Mid Valley exhibition centre) at 11:15am. Remember, punctuality is considered a great asset in the 501st legion.

We, at the 501st legion (as ordered by Lord Vader) believe that the training of an Imperial Cadet must start at a young age. As such, the Imperial Cadet Training activity is especially designed for kids. No adults allowed!

As cadet of the 501st Legion, you are expected to have certain skills. A 501st Legion cadet must be able to decode Lord Vader’s encoded massages at great speed, identify starships by name and alliance only by their silhouettes, unscramble a vocabulator of an Astromech Droid, and more.

To facilitate the Imperial Cadet Training activity, a top secret Imperial Cadet Training Manual has been especially designed by some of the greatest minds at the 501st. Again, please be aware that – as ordered by Lord Vader – the Imperial Cadet Training activity is for kids only.

If you (or someone you know) think that you (or they) have what it takes to be a part of the 501st Legion, then come and join the Imperial Cadet Training activity at the Malaysia International Toys Fair. As further incentive, the top 5 best judged cadets will be rewarded, handsomely.

"IMPERIAL CADET TRAINING activity organized by the 501st MALAYSIA-BRUNEI OUTPOST in conjunction with the Malaysia International Toys Fair - ONLY on Day 1, 24 JULY 2010. Time Slot :- 11:15 AM to 12:15 PMand Registrartion STARTS from 10:00 a.m. at the 501st Legion Field Headquarters at booth Nos. C16 and C18" - Trooper Peter

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

There Will Be No Place To Hide At MITF, Rebels!

There will be no place to hide, Rebels! A dozen of the Empire’s best from the 501st Legion: Malaysia-Brunei Outpost will make their rounds at the first Malaysia International Toys Fair this year. From the Sandtrooper to Snowtrooper, and from the TIE Pilot to the AT-ST Pilot, the Empire has come well prepared.

Cower as Lord Vader and his Royal Guard leads the Imperial’s bravest in Malaysia’s second ever Droid Hunt Game. The Jedi Mind Trick may fool them once, but the Droids will be found and prizes will be given away.

You can’t be too young to join the Empire. If you think your mind is tough enough, then shape-up as the finest officers and troopers from all over the Empire conduct the Imperial Cadet Training (for kids). The best of the best will be rewarded.

But that is not all! To show that the Empire cares, the 501st Legion: Malaysia-Brunei Outpost will promote the Toys for Tots program and conduct various other charity related activities.

To confuse the Rebels, a distinct change has been made to the roster for each day of the event. This means that in order for the Rebels to survey the full force of the Legion, they would have to attend both days of the event. Those with a sharp eye should also look out for the 501st Legion: Malaysia-Brunei Outpost’s first Jawa (the one from Star Wars, not Indonesia).

Come and get spotted with (or by) the 501st Legion: Malaysia-Brunei Outpost’s at The Malaysia International Toys Fair at the Mid Valley Exhibition Centre, Hall 2 Level 3, on the 24th and the 25th of July 2010, from 10:00am to 9:00pm.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2010

Fans of hot air balloons should not miss out on this event, spanning 4 consecutive days beginning from the 18th to the 21st of March 2010 at Precinct 2, Putrajaya.

Even more so a reason to head over to this event if you also happen to be a Star Wars fan as the Darth Vader hot air balloon piloted by fellow 501st member Benoit Lambert (TK-2054) from Belgium will be making an appearance along with ground troop members of the 501st Malaysia-Brunei Outpost.

We hope to see you there this Saturday!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Adidas Star Wars Collection Trooping Event

What do you get when you cross famous brands like Adidas with an iconic pop-culture movie like Star Wars? Well, Adidas Star Wars Collection of course!

The 501st Malaysia-Brunei Outpost, along with its counterpart Rebel Legion Malaysia, was more than honored to partner with Adidas in launching its fore mentioned Star Wars collections. Fans can expect to see items such as Stormtrooper sneakers, shoes inspired after Darth Vader's look, sweaters bearing the Imperial insignia, and more!